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Marine Results signs 5-year rig service deal with Kokomo

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The 75.7m rig of 58.4m luxury world class sailing yacht Kokomo is to undergo a complete inspection in accordance with a five year service plan.  NDT and rigging specialists Marine Results will carry out the work which includes unstepping the mast and inspecting all components using advanced NDT techniques, and replacing any wearing or faulty components.  The team will also remove all the fittings ready for the mast to be painted.

The work will be carried out at STP Boatyard in Palma, Mallorca in September by a team from Marine Results led by Ed Danby.  Ed comments “This is a very tall mast and we believe that it is, in fact, the tallest ever to be unstepped in Palma.  We are bringing in a special crane from mainland Spain to unstep and restep the rig as there is none suitable on the island of Mallorca.”   Kokomo’s mast was built by Southern Spars in carbon fibre, and is stayed with Nitronic 50 rod and EC6  carbon stays.

The mast will be restepped at the end of February 2016.